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Bury St Edmunds entrepreneurs launch their new business providing floral and balloon decorating for special events

Two women who run their own separate businesses have joined forces to create that special backdrop for special events.

Claire Potter who runs Rising High Balloons and Victoria Newton who owns VN Flowers are combining their talents to launch The Style Installers.

They have already created bespoke first anniversary looks for two other Bury St Edmunds businesses, Lotties Artisan Waffles on Angel Hill and Sparkle & Co in Langton Place.

The Starie Sisters enjoy their newlook front door which has been descorated by The Style Installers (20303496)
The Starie Sisters enjoy their newlook front door which has been descorated by The Style Installers (20303496)

The two mums both have long standing backgrounds in event design and decoration with Claire running Rising High Balloons for the last five years after a career in events management. Victoria has worked in floristry since leaving school.

Claire said: “Between us we have a lot of experience and have worked together on quite a few jobs and so we decided we’d like to take it one step further.”

They will continue to run their existing businesses alongside the new venture.

Victoria Newton, left, and Claire Potter, right - The Style Installers (20303112)
Victoria Newton, left, and Claire Potter, right - The Style Installers (20303112)

Claire added: “It’s quite nice to collaborate and we are really excited as to what the future holds. We’ve already been approached by several shops to do their Christmas window displays.”

The Style Installers have already created a stunning autumnal installation at the Ixworth home of Instagram influencer Chantel Starie, creating a bronze, gold and soft pink cascade of flowers at her front door.

Claire said: “We’re both creative and combining our skills means we can do something quite unique for our clients.”

For more contact them on info@thestyleinstallers.co.uk or call Claire on 07738 585839 and Victoria on 07717 795948.