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Great Bricett cannabis find: Five arrested after police find drug near Needham Market

Around 2,000 cannabis plants worth £2.5million have been found in Great Bricett, near Needham Market.

Suffolk Constabulary said five men have been arrested after the find on Friday (October 18).

Officers made the discovery after a warrant under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act was carried out a business park in The Street.

Great Bricett (19841971)
Great Bricett (19841971)

A force spokesman commented: "On entering the premises officers also found extensive hydroponics equipment and associated electrical paraphernalia.

"Five men, aged 25, 26, 40, 41 and 65 were arrested on suspicion of the production of cannabis and were taken to Bury St Edmunds Police Investigation Centre for questioning."

Great Bricett (19841973)
Great Bricett (19841973)

Ovidijus Urbonas, 40, of King's Cross Road, London, 41-year-old Egidijus Ivoskus of no fixed abode, 25-year-old Karolis Gumauskas of no fixed abode and 26-year-old Mindaugas Ivoskus of no fixed abode were subsequently charged on Saturday (October 19) for the production of cannabis.

They were remanded and appeared before Ipswich Magistrates Court today (Monday, October 21) following which they were further remanded pending a further court hearing to be arranged.

The 65-year-old man was released on police bail pending further enquiries and is due to answer on Wednesday, November 13.