Council accused of ‘muddled thinking’ after forking out £20,000 on cabinet in Apex
A councillor has described the installation of a new tourist information cabinet at a Bury St Edmunds venue as ‘muddled thinking’ after it was revealed it cost more than £20,000.
The cabinet, in the foyer of the Apex, will display information and tourist leaflets – but cost St Edmundsbury Borough Council £20,400.
Cllr David Nettleton said it was far too expensive.
“I wouldn’t pay that money for a cabinet,” he said.
“How much use will it get?
“Visitors tend to flock on Angel Hill, the Abbey Gardens and the Buttermarket/Cornhill area, so I don’t envisage that leaflets will be flying off the shelves. The whole strategy for tending to the needs of visitors is a product of muddled thinking.”
A council spokesman said the cabinet was paid for out of funds set aside as part of the venue’s buildings costs.
He said: “It gives us an opportunity to house not only our own information, but leaflets for other local clubs and groups as well, making it a really useful and interesting feature for Apex visitors.”