Suffolk’s Ryan Meikle is ‘looking forward’ to his showdown with teenage sensation Luke Littler at the PDC World Darts Championship this weekend.
A former police station in a town is now available for £375,000.
The owner of a popular Chinese fusion eatery has revealed the opening date for a new shop in a town centre.
The new owner of a town’s iconic building has pledged to maintain its leisure use after it was sold for nearly £200,000 above the asking price.
There are severe delays on the A14 at Orwell Bridge following a crash between a HGV and a car.
A 50-year-old man from Suffolk has been jailed after hitting another man with a baseball bat more than four years ago.
Wolves forward Matheus Cunha has been charged with misconduct by the FA following an altercation with a member of Ipswich Town’s security staff.
Officers are concerned for a missing 35-year-old woman from Suffolk believed to be in and around a town centre.
Sixteen people including three teenagers have admitted various offences following a fight that broke out before the East Anglian derby in April.
A care home worker said she felt taken aback after being recognised with an achievement at a national awards ceremony.
The landlords of a town pub are ‘deeply saddened’ to its closure more than 15 years after taking over the business.
A parent teacher friends association has raised more than £1,000 following a ‘fantastic’ Christmas fair.
A 20-year-old man has been charged in connection with drug offences in a town.
A Greene King pub in a town is set to undergo a refurbishment as part of the brewery’s franchise plan.
A major route in Suffolk is set for a period of overnight closures for resurfacing work and maintenance.
Ipswich Town manager Kieran McKenna has backed goalkeeper Aro Muric and praised striker Liam Delap ahead of Wolves on Saturday.
We’ve compiled the latest crime data in Suffolk so you can check the crime hotspots and how your neighbourhood compares.
A district council has welcomed new plans to build homes in West Suffolk.
A man has been jailed for 15 years with an extended four year licence period for sexual offences against boys.
A presentation at a town’s cathedral shared out £12,500 to charities following a popular beer festival in the summer.